This is a tentative outline of the program. The format of ALPSY is flexible and can be adjusted to provide time for discussion and group work as much as possible.
- Håvard Raddum: Alternating moduli PRFs and their polynomial representations
- Clémence Bouvier: Algebraic Geometry to Linear Cryptanalysis: Application to Anemoi
- Morten Øygarden: On FreeLunches and Resultants: The Current Status of Algebraic Attacks Against AO-Hash Functions
- Thomas De Cnudde: How Hardware-Friendly are Arithmetization-Oriented Hash Functions?
- Stefano Trevisani: Flexible Modes for Arithmetization-Oriented Compression Functions
- Dmitry Khovratovich: Poseidon Initiative: Ethereum Foundation boosts third-party cryptanalysis of arithmetic hashes
- Amit Singh Bhati: Generalized Indifferentiable Sponge and its Application to Polygon Miden VM
- Matthias Steiner: Gröbner Bases For Feistel Designs With Application To GMiMC
- Fabian Schmid, Katharina Koschatko: The Skyscraper hash, and open cryptanalysis problems around lookup-based designs
- Arnab Roy: A New Design Approach in Symmetric Cryptography
- Marek Sefranek: Hash functions in the context of PIOP-based SNARKs